Thursday, April 28, 2011

Two Weeks!

In the next 2 cRaZy weeks of my life I will move from house to apartment in CT, home to NY for a night, then off to KENTUCKY! (Did I mention that week is finals week?!) Yikes! So what am doing? Packing like crazy? nope. Studying for finals? nope.  starting a blog instead of studying? yup. Oh yeah and watching the Royal Wedding coverage (thanks Rachel for suckering me in). I had a stellar day with Jakki who is gracing the East coast with her presence. Finally feeling better after a killer ear infection/sinus infection/pink eye and I think there is some CrossFit in the cards for the morning...unless that is I get suckered into the Royal Wedding @ 6am instead.

Hopefully by starting this now I will actually keep up with it on whatever is in store for me for my lil summer adventure to Kentucky! Hope you will join me on the ride! :)

Love & Lemonade,