Week One is over.... it certainly had it's ups and downs!
Mom left on Tuesday, and it rained until today (Friday) boooo, also been feeling sick, stupid sinus/sore throat/earache that has been nagging me for almost 3 weeks now. I don't buy this whole allergy business even though...did you know Kentucky is the allergy capital of like the whole world?! That's BANANAS, of course I would end up here. So I've been bummed that I haven't been feeling 100% and haven't made it to CrossFit Maximus here. Maybe I'll go tomorrow and try to sweat this thing out, then lounge by the pool all day?! I think that sounds like a solid game plan. Perhaps I'll throw a lil farmer's market in there too!
So it's Friday! Today was a STELLAR day at Kentucky Horse Park, where I got to learn some of the in's and out's of Hippotherapy. The kids were great and the horses are amazing at how good they are with the kids! I am wiped out though...it's definitely a workout getting some of those kiddies up on all fours on top of a moving horse!
Fun Fact: The horse's gait cycle is very similar to a humans, therefore when a human is on top of the horse, their pelvis moves like it should in a normal gait cycle. Crazy huh?
Disclaimer: Don't read if you are from Long Island:
Throughout the week, as people have asked where I am from, I respond "Upstate New York" and they continue to go on and on about how I don't sound like I'm from there. All these folk don't realize that even us New Yorker's think that the people from Long Island sound funny! Hahaha.
Hopefully I'll get out my camera and take some pictures as I explore now that the sun is finally shining!
Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!