Thursday, May 26, 2011

Finally an Intelligent Post...Weird right?

Amazing Experience!

Today I got to experience the Lokomat first-hand! I would like you all to know that the following pictures are NOT FLATTERING in the slightest but I did it for the sake of your brain powerYOUR WELCOME. :)  So I could try to explain what it is but please see a description below from the manufacturers website that do a much better job than me: 
"Locomotion therapy supported by an automated gait orthosis on a treadmill has shown to be an effective intervention for improving over-ground walking function caused by neurological diseases and injuries in many cases. The Lokomat system assists walking movements of gait-impaired patients and is used to improve mobility in individuals following stroke, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis as well as other neurological diseases and injuries. The LokomatPro has been on the market since 2001 and has been a crucial improvement in the art and science of locomotion therapy." - Hocoma Website  <--- CLICK if you want more info 

Thanks to Whitney who grabbed my phone and took these pics..I'll post some brief thoughts below them but instead of me rambling I hope you enjoy the pics! If you want to know more feel free to comment below or contact me! :) 

The Lokomat Orthosis on Right, Treadmill, TV (most patients like ESPN to be on while they walk!
The Robotic Orthosis
 The Set-Up: A bit awkward but I guess ya gotta walk a mile in the patient's shoes, eh? 
Shelby... you look perplexed...I trust ya...
Bird's Eye View, Shelby messing with the controls..
That harness is awfully tight...breathing is optional. LOL

The Screen the depicts Stance & Swing phase of gait...

  • WHOA! It was a crazy feeling... especially as  the robot did 100% of the  work, all the way down to 30% of the work, along with varying degrees of body weight support.

  • Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did! Happy clinicals QU PT's!! *This may or may not be a shameless plug that I HIGHLY recommend that you come to Kentucky at Cardinal Hill for a final affiliation next year... just sayin, I'd come back if I could! 

    Good Night... playing with the horses & kiddies tomorrow! :) 

    Wednesday, May 25, 2011

    Random Thoughts..

    I apologize in advance for the randomness that ensues: 

    There has been much talk around here about Severe weather tonight and tomorrow and I really hope that doesn't mean any tornados find their way to Lexington, because being in a 2nd floor apartment with no interior rooms would kinda suck.

    Grocery Store. 
    So most of us are in a rush when we go to the grocery store. Yesterday, I didn't think I was. So I wandered,  meandered, <-- is that a word? sounds good, and took my sweet southern time. Anyway, I got in line and was thinking about that TLC show, Extreme Couponing, and wondered if that's a hobby I should take up. Well that is until I spent 10 minutes in line behind this old lady that was arguing the verbiage of "natural" vs. "organic" frozen chicken, dammit she wanted her $1 off. It was at that point that I realized couponing is not for me, I'll leave that one to Allie.

    Tonight I got out of my little box and went to dinner with a fellow PT student from Duke who is super sweet and showed me the little bit of Lexington that she has become familiar with. I was also introduced to Kentucky Bourbon Ale. It was delightful. I highly recommend it. Might have to bring some back to NY for Dad to try. I mean I'm no beer aficionado (<-- is that a word? sounds good to me) but I thought it was great.

    American Idol. 
    I am not much of an "Idol" fan but when I heard on the radio that the two finalists were Country I tuned in last night (and may or may not be watching right now)... I was pleasantly surprised. I mean it was kinda sorta on accident because I totally thought Glee was on at 8, whoops!  And no, don't have much of a favorite and let's be honest, at this point they have their name out there, and are gonna be famous so I'd say that's a winner either way.

    Well bedtime for me. Goodnight Moon.
    <3 me.

    Monday, May 23, 2011

    Sunday in the South

    Ok, so I know it's Monday but I started writing this yesterday...

    Sunday. A day of rest. Well, they actually slow down here in Kentucky, which is kinda nice. Went to the High Hope's Steeplechase and volunteered at the kids bouncy-bounce. Some of the kids were adorable and the others were monsters. Saw one Steeplechase race and 2 out of the 5 jockeys fell off their horses! OUCH! Luckily no serious injuries. A friend, fellow student at clinical from Duke and I made several plans for upcoming weekends, including hiking and the Bourbon Trail! Keep your eyes posted for those adventures.

    Monday. Got up today and at 5:30 am there was a CrAzY lightening storm, which then proceeded to open up the skies and rain sooo hard and our 400m run for the CrossFit "Helen" workout turned into a 400m row. Glad I made it up in time, working out before clinical gives me way more energy and feels awesome to come home after and enjoy dinner. Speaking of dinner I was rather proud of my Filet Mignon with a blue cheese crust and a sweet potato!

    I hope this weather pattern changes, hopefully no tornados coming this way and keeping those touched by these devastating tornadoes in my prayers!

    Happy Monday!

    PS- I think Skype is a fabulous invention and got a chance to enjoy lots of quality time with Katie Van who is currently in Poland/Prague....I am up to skype anytime: MerBear00 :)

    Friday, May 20, 2011

    Week One

    Week One is over.... it certainly had it's ups and downs!

    Mom left on Tuesday, and it rained until today (Friday) boooo, also been feeling sick, stupid sinus/sore throat/earache that has been nagging me for almost 3 weeks now. I don't buy this whole allergy business even though...did you know Kentucky is the allergy capital of like the whole world?! That's BANANAS, of course I would end up here. So I've been bummed that I haven't been feeling 100% and haven't made it to CrossFit Maximus here. Maybe I'll go tomorrow and try to sweat this thing out, then lounge by the pool all day?! I think that sounds like a solid game plan. Perhaps I'll throw a lil farmer's market in there too!

    So it's Friday! Today was a STELLAR day at Kentucky Horse Park, where I got to learn some of the in's and out's of Hippotherapy. The kids were great and the horses are amazing at how good they are with the kids! I am wiped out's definitely a workout getting some of those kiddies up on all fours on top of a moving horse!

    Fun Fact: The horse's gait cycle is very similar to a humans, therefore when a human is on top of the horse, their pelvis moves like it should in a normal gait cycle. Crazy huh? 

    Disclaimer: Don't read if you are from Long Island: 
    Throughout the week, as people have asked where I am from, I respond "Upstate New York" and they continue to go on and on about how I don't sound like I'm from there. All these folk don't realize that even us New Yorker's think that the people from Long Island sound funny! Hahaha.

    Hopefully I'll get out my camera and take some pictures as I explore now that the sun is finally shining!

    Happy Friday! Have a great weekend! 

    Tuesday, May 17, 2011

    Rain Rain Go Away.

    So day #2 of clinical, still getting my feet wet, figuring out where things are/ how things are done. The usual. Nothing too exciting to report.

    Mom headed to the airport after dinner however she keeps getting delayed so maybe she will be back to cuddle one more night!

    As for tonight, Glee is on the agenda. Exciting I know.

    Katie Van- Have a stellar Euro trip!

    First trip to CrossFit Maximus tomorrow, nervous!! Haven't worked out in like 2 weeks with being sick/moving... might be a rough one.

    PS- I know these post feel lame compared to Kenny Chesney however hopefully there will be plenty more adventures to report!!

    Monday, May 16, 2011

    Clinical Day One

    Clinical. Was. Amazing.

    Ok, ok, ok, so it's not Kenny's sweaty towel.... BUT:

    Neuro patients. Aquatic Therapy. Kayaking. Lokomat. Hippotherapy every Friday. Top it off with 2 raspberry margaritas following clinical with mom, I think that's a solid first day.

    I suppose I could have gotten some sleep last night. Cause I def only got about 2-3 hours last night.

    Oh and to top it off: I didn't get a 50 on Research. I'm pretty positive I got the highest GPA of my life...weird.

    On that note: I hope YOU had a great Monday!

    Sunday, May 15, 2011


    Wow. I am still in shock. Got to Lexington, Kentucky at 1:30 pm and by 7 pm I was in the 5th row of Kenny Chesney's Goin' Coastal Tour at Rupp Arena, which just so happens to be across the street from my apartment. So let me back up a bit...

    As we were driving to my apartment, we saw a sign for Kenny and "tickets still available." After going to Target, a late lunch, and unpacking I called the box office. They say they don't have any lower seats available at this time but to go to the box office before the show to check it out. 

    Disclaimer: Meredith WILL NOT sit in nosebleed seats EVER because she will hyperventilate and cry. Reference: Brad Paisley, Mohegan Sun, Nov. 2010 (sorry roomies!) 

    6:45 PM: Walked over, in jeans, rockin a QU intramural t-shirt, no make-up, no camera and flip flops because I thought there was no way we are getting tickets. The lady at the ticket office said they just released floor seats... $75. UMMM YES!!! So we missed some of Uncle Kracker, made it in time to Billy Currington, who was AWESOME, and Kenny was unbelievable as usual. Needless to say I am grateful for the invention of phone cameras....

    It was an amazing showww. Oh, and did I mention George Jones came out?! He sang "I don't need your  rocking chair" and "He stopped loving her today" with Kenny! Apparently Kenny didn't know about it. It was sickkk. 

    Icing on the cake: During "She thinks my tractor's sexy" he threw me his towel. And it's not like I wrestled with people to get was TO me

    During Kenny's Encore, "Boys of Fall" he talked about the simple things in life. Family, Friends, God, Love, and Sports. Cherish the simple things in your life today. :) The concert was fabulous, just me, my mom, no fuss, being ourselves and enjoying the music. 

    What a way to kick off Lexington... Not sure if I can top this one but thanks for reading and we will see what unfolds here :) 

    CONGRATULATIONS QU MAT's & DPT's!! So proud!! 

    Friday, May 13, 2011

    Leg #2

    Twinsburg, Ohio! Leg #2 of the trip is complete, (leg #1 being CT to Albany). Congrats to all my classmates...ONE MORE YEAR!! WOO! We avoided thunderstorms all day today which was pretty stellar. The radio was pretty awful and need to get in the car early to make sure good CD's are in Tillie's 6 CD changer. Tillie is very shiny compliments of Hoffmans :)

    Currently trying to watch greys, mom's on my facebook obviously and the internet connect is slow so greys is all like "so...uh...oh....yu...he..." ya know when it gets all skippy?! Guess that will have to wait for another day. Guess I'll go to bed now because tomorrow I will finally be true to this blog and be in KENTUCKY! :)

    Goodnight Moon.

    Tuesday, May 3, 2011

    Patho bores me.

    Things I am learning about Kentucky while in Patho that is NOT complementary & alternative medicine: 

    1. Avg temp for Lexington in May = 75, June= 82, July = 86

    2. The Kentucky Derby is the oldest continuously held horse race in the country. It is held at Churchill Downs in Louisville on the first Saturday in May. (SHUCKS! Missing it!) 

    3. Christian County is wet while Bourbon County is dry. Barren County has the most fertile land in the state.

    4. Post-It Notes are manufactured exclusively in Cynthiana. The exact number made annually of these popular notes is a trade secret.

    More to come later.... 
    Happy Tuesday! 

    PS- P. Brews- I believe in miracles. Thanks.