Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Random Thoughts..

I apologize in advance for the randomness that ensues: 

There has been much talk around here about Severe weather tonight and tomorrow and I really hope that doesn't mean any tornados find their way to Lexington, because being in a 2nd floor apartment with no interior rooms would kinda suck.

Grocery Store. 
So most of us are in a rush when we go to the grocery store. Yesterday, I didn't think I was. So I wandered,  meandered, <-- is that a word? sounds good, and took my sweet southern time. Anyway, I got in line and was thinking about that TLC show, Extreme Couponing, and wondered if that's a hobby I should take up. Well that is until I spent 10 minutes in line behind this old lady that was arguing the verbiage of "natural" vs. "organic" frozen chicken, dammit she wanted her $1 off. It was at that point that I realized couponing is not for me, I'll leave that one to Allie.

Tonight I got out of my little box and went to dinner with a fellow PT student from Duke who is super sweet and showed me the little bit of Lexington that she has become familiar with. I was also introduced to Kentucky Bourbon Ale. It was delightful. I highly recommend it. Might have to bring some back to NY for Dad to try. I mean I'm no beer aficionado (<-- is that a word? sounds good to me) but I thought it was great.

American Idol. 
I am not much of an "Idol" fan but when I heard on the radio that the two finalists were Country I tuned in last night (and may or may not be watching right now)... I was pleasantly surprised. I mean it was kinda sorta on accident because I totally thought Glee was on at 8, whoops!  And no, don't have much of a favorite and let's be honest, at this point they have their name out there, and are gonna be famous so I'd say that's a winner either way.

Well bedtime for me. Goodnight Moon.
<3 me.

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