Ok, so I know it's Monday but I started writing this yesterday...
Sunday. A day of rest. Well, they actually slow down here in Kentucky, which is kinda nice. Went to the High Hope's Steeplechase and volunteered at the kids bouncy-bounce. Some of the kids were adorable and the others were monsters. Saw one Steeplechase race and 2 out of the 5 jockeys fell off their horses! OUCH! Luckily no serious injuries. A friend, fellow student at clinical from Duke and I made several plans for upcoming weekends, including hiking and the Bourbon Trail! Keep your eyes posted for those adventures.
Monday. Got up today and at 5:30 am there was a CrAzY lightening storm, which then proceeded to open up the skies and rain sooo hard and our 400m run for the CrossFit "Helen" workout turned into a 400m row. Glad I made it up in time, working out before clinical gives me way more energy and feels awesome to come home after and enjoy dinner. Speaking of dinner I was rather proud of my Filet Mignon with a blue cheese crust and a sweet potato!
I hope this weather pattern changes, hopefully no tornados coming this way and keeping those touched by these devastating tornadoes in my prayers!
Happy Monday!
PS- I think Skype is a fabulous invention and got a chance to enjoy lots of quality time with Katie Van who is currently in Poland/Prague....I am up to skype anytime: MerBear00 :)
Miss you!!! Waayyyy too much testosterone at this table! :/