Thursday, May 26, 2011

Finally an Intelligent Post...Weird right?

Amazing Experience!

Today I got to experience the Lokomat first-hand! I would like you all to know that the following pictures are NOT FLATTERING in the slightest but I did it for the sake of your brain powerYOUR WELCOME. :)  So I could try to explain what it is but please see a description below from the manufacturers website that do a much better job than me: 
"Locomotion therapy supported by an automated gait orthosis on a treadmill has shown to be an effective intervention for improving over-ground walking function caused by neurological diseases and injuries in many cases. The Lokomat system assists walking movements of gait-impaired patients and is used to improve mobility in individuals following stroke, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis as well as other neurological diseases and injuries. The LokomatPro has been on the market since 2001 and has been a crucial improvement in the art and science of locomotion therapy." - Hocoma Website  <--- CLICK if you want more info 

Thanks to Whitney who grabbed my phone and took these pics..I'll post some brief thoughts below them but instead of me rambling I hope you enjoy the pics! If you want to know more feel free to comment below or contact me! :) 

The Lokomat Orthosis on Right, Treadmill, TV (most patients like ESPN to be on while they walk!
The Robotic Orthosis
 The Set-Up: A bit awkward but I guess ya gotta walk a mile in the patient's shoes, eh? 
Shelby... you look perplexed...I trust ya...
Bird's Eye View, Shelby messing with the controls..
That harness is awfully tight...breathing is optional. LOL

The Screen the depicts Stance & Swing phase of gait...

  • WHOA! It was a crazy feeling... especially as  the robot did 100% of the  work, all the way down to 30% of the work, along with varying degrees of body weight support.

  • Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did! Happy clinicals QU PT's!! *This may or may not be a shameless plug that I HIGHLY recommend that you come to Kentucky at Cardinal Hill for a final affiliation next year... just sayin, I'd come back if I could! 

    Good Night... playing with the horses & kiddies tomorrow! :) 

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